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Your Database: The Most Valuable Asset in Direct Marketing

Customer Database

Effective Targeting: Key to Direct Mail Success

The best-looking direct mail piece in the world won’t do diddly if you haven’t got the information you need to target the right people.

Since a great database will make your campaigns truly effective, you should treat it like gold.

We can clean up and maintain your databases – merge them with new ones, update information, get rid of any duplicates and sort out the postcodes. If you want to make your database even more valuable by expanding it or gathering more information, we can help you work out the best way to do that.

We can also source new databases to help you target whole new areas of the market. For example we can get a list of all Accountants in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch with more than 6 staff.

Get cheaper postage rates

To get the most out of your mailing (and save you some money on postage), we'll verify your database against a list of all valid postal address in New Zealand.

The addresses that don't match are flagged and updated by our data gurus. Any which we can't identify will be returned to you to either fix or exclude from the mailing.

This is a standard service included in your direct mail campaign costs and gives your campaign a much higher chance of being delivered.

Once we've cleansed and validated the addresses in your database, we’ll  figure out what your address accuracy percentage (AAP) is, which tell us what discounts bulk mail postage rate you'll have access to.

Get in touch now for a chat about how we can maximise your data and mailing lists.