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Stand out with dimensional direct mail. It’s a bit different…

14 April 2021 by Josh Lindsay

Why be like all your competition and send your DM piece in a boring old white envelope. You’ve only got a small window to catch the eye of your prospect and get them to peruse your offerings.

The Josh Cox Experiment was looking to promote the release of his debut album to local radio stations. Sure he could of burnt a disc on his computer and scribbled his name on the front but why not really stand out.

Check out this video of the pack being made and showing all the components.

Here’s a description of the project from the For Print Only blog.

I knew that I would be dropping off my CD at local radio stations and I wanted to deliver something more than a burned disk with my name written on it. I designed the CD and case to resemble a vinyl album and record sleeve and then sent it to Disc Makers to print and burn. They turned out great! I also created various items to include in the promo box, fun stuff—CD coasters, mini liquor bottles, buttons from Wacky Buttons, posters, etc. I think my favorite part of the whole piece is the filler material that I used for the base—unwound tape from my old cassettes! It looks great and brings it all together.

Josh Cox

The pack was developed and produced by Josh Cox and we think it’s a great example of spending a bit of time understanding your target market and sending a creative, dimensional pack to a very specific list. I imagine it generated some great feedback and hopefully airplay.

We’ve done packs like this before and they really do get attention.
Combine the wow factor of receiving a box with personalised landing pages (PURLs) to see who is interacting with your pack in real time.

If you’re looking for some fresh direct mail ideas for your next campaign give us a shout.

Image source: FPO Blog

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